Wednesday 2 March 2011

Spend it wisely

Absorb life.  Because we only have one life.  Because life is really short.  Because that’s what we’re all here for.  When I was using all I wanted to do was to escape from life.  Get away from all the judging.  The feelings.  The emotions.  The pain.  I didn’t want to face life because I had no idea what life was supposed to be.  All I wanted to do was please people.  Be good for them.  Be bad for them.  Show them I can or I’m better.  Now I’ve learnt that life is not for them.  Not about them.  It’s about me.  For me.  God wants me to be happy.  When I’m just being me, that’s when He’s the happiest.  That’s when I’m glorifying Him.  There’s no need to care about what other people think.  As long as you know you’re doing the right thing, then it doesn’t matter what anyone says.  You can choose to not be emotional.  Not to get emotionally involved in other’s stuff.  It keeps your life simple.  It keeps you out of conflict.  You’re able to be objective, and thus that much more stable.  All the reasons that I wanted to escape from life for, were self-inflicted.  I made my life that difficult.  I chose to be in the position I put myself in.  And I turned to heroin to take me away from the chaos that I had created.  And that just made things even worse.  I ended up with nothing, and, more importantly, no-one… All because of the choices I made.  And the funny thing is that I blamed the whole entire world for my problems… for my situation…. for my circumstances.  Once I learnt to accept responsibility for where I had landed up, I realised that, actually, I have the power to change my future.  That there is absolute freedom in taking responsibility.  Yes, there will be tough times, and there will always be lessons to be learnt.  But those are shaping me.  Moulding me.  Stripping away the complicated issues that I have compounded into my own life.  Showing me a new way to live.  A new way to love.  A simple way.  A better way.  A happier way.

Life is all about the choices you make.  At the end of the day, that’s what is going to make or break you.  Take the time to do things properly, to absorb every single moment.  All you have is time.  Spend it wisely.

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