Wednesday 2 March 2011

The process of change

It’s raining outside.  Streams of water flowing from the endless grey haze above.  Rain.  Bringing new life.  Water.  Pure, clean existence.  Everything has a cycle. 

I watched this short DVD this morning about how death brings life.  How things have to die so that life progresses.  The seasons of life.  The process of growth. 

People don’t like change and people want to grow.  But we cannot grow without change.  We cannot move forward without actually taking that first step.  We have to move out of the comfort zone.  And then that first step has to be in the right direction, or you could, in actual fact, be going backwards. Initiating change in the wrong direction.  And only you have the power to make sure that the direction in which you have chosen to go, is the right one.  It all depends on what you truly desire from deep within your heart.  On what you value.  On what you think is important.  No-one else can make that decision for you.  Although it would be wise to seek council on big decisions because sometimes other people have a perspective that you just didn’t think about.  It’s always a good thing to weigh up the positives and negatives in a situation.  And another important thing is to remember that you cannot change the past.  You cannot go back in time.  You cannot rewind.  The past is something you have to accept, deal with, and learn from.  History is history.  I’ve also noticed that, if you don’t learn from your past, from your mistakes, they repeat themselves over and over again until you do.  Until you implement change in your life.  Once you have learnt that lesson, the mistake is put to death, and new life grows from it.  You see things differently.  Everything is a process.  Everything takes time.  Everything requires endurance.  Be a finisher.  Don’t give up.  Push through to the end.  Your rewards are enormous! 

Everything has a process.  Everything takes time.  And if you force things, there are only more problems to deal with.  Like having a baby.  That takes time.  A perfect amount of time.

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