Wednesday 2 March 2011

Change your perspective

Bad things happen all the time.  To all sorts of people.  We are all going to have good days and we’re all going to have bad days.  We all have hormones and we all have character defects.  The difference between those that move forward, and those that don’t, is simply the way they look at life.  You can choose to see everything you go through as something negative.  Someone’s doing this to you.  Something’s against you.  No one wants you to grow.  OR you could see these things as life lessons.  As opportunities to learn something.  As growth. 

If you keep your mind on the fact that this life on earth is not all there is.  That there is a much bigger picture.  That everything that happens, happens for a reason.  And you are plugged into The One True Source.  Then life, and all its little lessons, becomes much easier.  Much more entertaining! Then life becomes an adventure, and you start living life on purpose.  With purpose.  

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