Sunday 13 March 2011

Comforting Answers?

Un-answered questions.  Lots and lots of them.  I see people around me all day long with questions in their eyes, and fake smiles on their faces.  I realise all of a sudden that life is so much simpler than we make it out to be.  We complicate things.  We’ve added our own recipes for “success” to life… But most of us don’t have a clue what true success really is…  I’ve said before that we’re all searching for peace.  And I heard it again from someone else this morning.  It’s so true.  We’re searching for comfort – not external, but INTERNAL comfort…  Some of us find it temporarily in things like heroin, but it’s never lasting, it’s never eternal.  So society throws things in our faces, TV adverts make it impossible for us not to search for comfort in external ways…  Making us all think that we can find it externally, and that this will quench our thirst for it… this will make everything ok… but it doesn’t, not for long anyway!

Are “comfort” and “freedom” the same thing?  I think being free is probably the most comforting thing in this lifetime.  Strip away all the complications that we cover our daily routines in, and what are we left with?  Just me.  Myself.  Am I comfortable with who I am?  Is my freedom comforting?  Am I free to feel comfortable? 

I think that when I know that I am doing the right thing, and making the right choices, I become free of consequences…  And only once I know that I have no reason to do anything else, but to love who I have become, who I was created to be, only then will I feel comfortable.  And free. 

Maybe these things are all easier said than done.  But, like anything that’s worth it in the end, it will take some dedication and commitment.  And once you’re used to making the right choices, and to do the right thing, it becomes like habit – it’s second nature.  At first it might seem difficult, but in the end it’s so worth the effort – what could be worth more than freedom?  More than always being comfortable? 

Maybe this doesn’t answer all the questions that are in the minds of all those that are around me, but I believe that it makes finding the answers a whole lot easier.  Once you find peace on the inside, it’s reflected on the outside… And slowly things start making sense again…. 

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